The Quiet Life

By Olympix

Dagenham Dave

I was up in the guest room and found this promotional stand for Morrissey's 1995 single 'Dagenham Dave' that I had forgotten I owned. This was bought in X-Record's in Bolton the week the record was released. It was his second solo single that didn't feature himself on the cover and, I have to admit, not a great song. This is a young Terry Venables you see here. Well, it got me thinking about that year, the year I met my future wife. That was the year of the last great summer that I remember. It was an optimistic time, I guess that was because of Anita. And X-Records was a great shop, got lots of promo CD's and other merchandise from there. We don't have anything like that where we are now. It's all high street stores, no independents. But what a cheeky shot of Terry!

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