
I am quickly becoming somewhat of a snow expert. Mum thinks this is odd, but says maybe I am distantly related to Eskimo dogs. I think it is because I am closer to the ground than she is, have four fine-tuned paws and very good sensory acuity.

Anyway. Today, it has been snowing again, a very light, dry and fluffy snow, the kind that stays in the air for a long time and starts dancing again if you sneeze on it. It has the virtue of hiding things from human eyes but not doggie noses so much.

An uneventful walkie through the sheep meadows in the morning, snoozing in the afternoon watching cross-country skiing (I don't know why we do it, because Norway wins everything) and then an evening walkie, when the snow Delivered! Very well hidden were pieces of pizza crust that someone had dropped and mum didn't see, so I got a head start! Mum was not happy, scooped up the pieces and reminded me that I am on a diet. Sigh.... Diet is boring, but to be honest, I don't think she would have let me have them anyway.

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