A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

An Accidental Tourist

I spent a wonderful (if exhausting) day in Edinburgh today, with Linda acting as a brilliant tour guide.

We first had a coffee and some chat in Valvona & Crolla on Elm Row.

We roamed the muggy streets, first in Leith, then back to the city centre.

We sweated our way to the top of Calton Hill.

We supped a restorative glass or two in a couple of charming hostelries.

We just didn't see Her Majesty coming from St. Giles' Cathedral and processing along The Royal Mile.

We explored the ancient underground world of Mary King's Close, wittily guided by Paul.

We didn't quite get into Greyfriars as it was closed because the Princess Royal was inside.

I discovered the origins of the saying "Seeing a quack".

I learned that all Edinburgh policemen have to retire by the time they are 25 (or that's what it seemed like!).

It was a fab day. Thank you so much Linda, but what happened to lunch??

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