
By Cigs

Shrubhill #16

A hat  trick for Zander! 3 in a row!

The completest in me has been awakened by the state of TV and the need for fresh air to escape the sloth induced by too much time with the family.

So I dragged the boys off for some 'urbex' as the kidz callz it.

Tom is so proper and had to be persuaded that jumping through a fence into waste ground would not result in life imprisonment whereas Alex was through and away and marvelling at the MPK which they know so well from the photo by the dining table.

And new ones! Another blue / red combo to report. Well, new to me? Who knew! And another couple that may have to be reported in due course.

But they had a ball; the sense of adventure high. It helps that Tom and I are reading Danny Champion of the World which taps right into father / son japery.

Right, now to the new skate park at Drylaw; no graffiti but they can tire themselves out there for a bit.

NB - I'd previously blipped the left hand one a while back; the new one is the right hand side one (below the big I on the brick wall)

See extra for colour / close up

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