Change your heart, look around you.


Once upon a time a piece of barbed wire fencing found itself placed next to a big old tree. There wasn't much either of them could do about it as the tree had been there hundreds of years and the barbed wire was there for reasons completely beyond its control. They were very different from each other, the solid warm wooden tree and the young spiky shiny metal wire.
They rubbed along together irritating each other a good deal for several years. But gradually the tree began to accept the wire into its old cellulose heart , after all the tree wasn't going anywhere as it was deeply rooted and had grown up there, and it could see that the wire was doing a good job keeping the fence in place.
Eventually the two became inseparable and completely forgot their differences, and they lived together quite harmoniously .

One day a Blipper chanced upon the pair and was impressed by their unusual relationship. The Blipper decided to take a photograph of the phenomenon, and reflected that 732 blips ago she wouldn't have noticed the odd arrangement , much less thought to take a picture of it or write about it. She thought it was interesting, not because it was a brilliant photograph, but just because it had opened her eyes and her mind to all sorts of everyday things around her, and that such things are out there even on a dull grey and wet day.

The Blipper saw that this was a good thing and the Blipper blipped it.


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