Planes, Trains & Automobiles

We started the day at 4am and were soon at the airport to start our trip home... we were lulled into a false sense of security when Birmingham airport was quiet and calm, and our flight was half empty...we got to Barcelona and it was BEDLAM!! Spent an hour queuing to check in our bags...presumably everyone is moving about in readiness for 3 Kings this week...Finally got on our jam-packed 2nd flight. 12.5 hours later we were back in our flat. I just LOVE that moment you first see the island as you fly back in - so beautiful.
This photo is symbolic of my cold at the moment! Ha! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) My parents getting up in the middle of the night to make us coffee and get us to the airport - thanks Mom & Dad.
2) Our car still being on the scrubland near the airport!
3) Being back home - that lovely feeling when you walk in from time away...sooo lovely to be in England, but wonderful to be home too.

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