
By Shaaamie

Twelfth Night and the Holly Man

Twelfth Night was celebrated on Bankside today ...
The Green Man (in his Holly Man guise) arrived amidst much rain and wassailing ...
The Mummers’ Play was then performed in front of a wet but enthusiast crowd. The play was a folk combat with St. George slaying UKIP, tax dodgers and the enemies of the NHS ...
Twelfth Bake Cakes were then handed out to everyone and those lucky enough to find the Bean and Pea in their cakes were crowned King Bean and Queen Pea ...
 We then splodged walked through the streets to the famous George Inn on Borough High Street. Once there, ale was drunk, dances were danced and wishes were made around the Kissing Wishing Tree (You tie a ribbon on the tree, make a wish and kiss someone!)
A blipping wet but fabulous afternoon ...



The Green Man – David Risley of the Lions part

Have a great week ahead ...

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