In search of a myth?

Determined to play with my new toy, despite it being another grey day, I set of to find a waterfall. Snapper and I have searched in vain for before!
Having received numerous different sets of directions, I set off through someone's garden, to access a gate leading to a track in the woods. I could already hear the sound of the waterfall! Great! No :( The path led me up through a very deep and dark wood, where I wished I'd left a trail behind me. Scary! If an animal or human had appeared I'd have needed the Tena pants! Eventually reached a fence so decided to turn back. Grabbing hold of branches, which broke off in my hands, I scrambled back through the woods, looking for the path.
Finally arrived back at the gate, and there was a man in his garden. He didn't object to me passing through, and gave me directions to the waterfall at last! Success :)
Two wee lads appeared and were hanging over the top, which added to the photos, although I was glad when they decided to leave before falling over :)

Extras show the dark woods. Pleased with my camera :))

Dedicated to Snapper :)

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