
I had the luxury of some precious time to myself today. Carlos had to take care of some work, Noah went to the outdoor pool and Freya went out with her friend leaving me th whole house to myself.

I had fun playing around with my photos, I picked up a nice multiple photo frame at the bargain price of £5.50 yesterday so i printed out some of my favourite images of the children and put that up in the hall. I also spent some time on my craft journal documenting my recent projects and getting motivated to get back to my weaving.

I started weaving this linen during the Easter holidays and it is quite a complicated diamond twill pattern. I really like it but I need to have absolute peace to be able to focus on the 24 row repeat without interruption as it is very easy to lose my place. It's by no means perfect but I like the way it is coming out. I think I'll keep working on it as I bought some nice colourful cottons at wooliest which I would like to try next.

Quite chuffed at all yesterday's interest in the Queen shot, I really wasn't that close but my camera has a fairly decent zoom and by standing on tip toes and holding it way above my head I could get the angle I needed to actually see her through the crowds. It's on the Inverclyde Now website and BBC news want to use it too, it's amazing what blip can bring to your life.

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