New Beginning

Mono Monday 102

It's with the greatest of pleasure that I introduce you to Mini and Mo who today began their new life in Australia.  Now I have to admit there's a tale to be told about Mini and Mo even being here in the first place, bear with me!!

On the 24th of November I blipped an image of a beautiful little "Sock Monkey".  It was a wonderful surprise and came as part of a great little box of goodies from our blip buddie Subjunctive.  The little monkey had made it safely all the way from Canada.

I was over the moon when I first saw the monkey and declared that it would be our mascot in "Mini Mo" (our motorhome).  Then I read the accompanying card.  It was clear that the Monkey was not for me OR CCN - it was actually for my little Great Niece Stevie who lives in Western Australia.  Well you should have seen the performance, I don't often throw a tantrum or lose it, but boy I came close.  The lower lip quivered and I was in a real state.  10 seconds later I calmed down and realised I was being ridiculous.  The word got back to Paula that I had a melt down when I realised I had to post the precious Sock Monkey to the West.  

Now being Paula, one of the kindest and most generous blippers on the planet it wasn't long before another two Sock Monkeys were soon on their way to Australia.  You might notice that they are sporting very special Aussie scarf and head scarf.  Thank you so much Paula, I have to tell you, I can't wipe the smile off my face. :-0)))))  

I can assure you that these two beautiful Sock Monkeys, now christened Mini and Mo will be two of the most travelled monkeys in the world.  They indeed will be our special mascots in "MiniMo" and are in for some real adventures.

If this isn't the best reason to make sure Blip survives.  You won't want to miss the "life and times" of Mini and Mo :-) update
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