shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Glasgow monsoon

In case you're wondering what this is, it is what happens when you take a shot of the road which is covered by a deep puddle through the window of a bus with lots of water running down it. I was very glad I had my walking sandals on, as any other shoes would have been destroyed! The weather was trying to prepare me for Bangladesh's monsoon season I think, though it has quite a way to go. Queen Street station closing for a short time is nothing on railway lines and bridges being washed away and landslides crushing villages and anything else that gets in their way. You may not have seen it on the news much, but parts of India and Bangladesh are being inundated. This is where I'm heading on Tuesday! More specifically I'm headed to Chittagong and into Bandarban, via another hill tract town called Rangamati, which is one of Bangladesh's holiday resorts, and I will get to see a waterfall that my boss said wasn't that impressive when she was there. I have a suspicion it will be rather different now than in the dry season when she saw it. Thankfully things are drying up now, but I feel sorry for my colleagues who will have to deal with the added nuisance of a foreign guest when the clean up from this is going on around them. Please do pray for those who have been affected. Floods here are horrible and cause great damage, but home and contents insurance is not wide spread among most of the folk affected in Bangladesh, never mind the several hundred people who have died there or in Assam in India.

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