Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Following behind

Husband with Rusty, Bud and Duke walking the hoggs home. Today we took off all the tups (rams) from the ewes and gave everyone a dose for liver fluke. The ewes are back to their hills other than a small group of older ewes who are on the in bye to get extra feeding in the winter. This years ewe lambs (hoggs) are also on the in bye and will be taught to feed this week. The tups are getting some tlc in the shed along with three very old ewes who needed to have an easier life. All this was done in sunshine and dry weather which is even better! I took quite a few photos today but I liked this one the best! Got a bit of a sore back from moving some troughs and hay hecks about so heading for a hot bath next!

6c 10mph NE wind shill 3c sunshine with some clouds but dry.

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