Mono Monday: fresh start /new inspiration

Today's blip challenge for mono Monday is beginnings. I did think long and hard about it and have taken several photos on the theme but decided this was the one. I will put one or two in the extra photos.
I have started to get a bit stale with my ideas for photographs each day so I have started following more people on blipfoto which I am really enjoying and thank you for following me. I was bought this photography book when I retired and I did look at it but this year I intend to follow the ideas month by month so refreshing my photography on some days. Thank you Sally I am going to put it to good use, although most of the January ideas are with snow and ice!!!!
I have started the 5:2 diet again so am waiting to eat my lovely stew that has been cooking all afternoon.
All the Christmas decorations etc have gone except for the crib and the 2 outside lights that I have left for Bella at the weekend. It was Simon who devised the way of rolling up the Christmas lights on a wrapping paper tube so you  always find the beginning next time and not have a massive tangle. please pledge if you can to save this site.

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