
Back to work after 2 weeks and 1 day off.

Ready for a holiday and a haircut perhaps ;)

Managed to lose another pound already so that 13st, 2lb. Bearing in mind my January target was to get under 13 stone I might make it.

Went to the pub at lunchtime as a colleague was back from a 3 month sabbatical in New Zealand; and I resisted both the gammon egg and chips, and a beer.

Good resolve so far.

Far too drained to think about the run. So drained that we've canceled tomorrow's babysitter who was booked to allow us both to see Star Wars. Oh well hopefully have more energy next week.

Also hoping that with the days already getting longer I may be able to get back to park and restart my aborted running attempts.
Hopefully no headaches this time round.

I spent almost the entire morning doing admin tasks at work; but hopefully that is almost all my holiday requests submitted. I've got some childcare cover ones that i can hopefully cancel which will allow us all to have a family holiday. I've even put in 4 weeks of unpaid leave as JJ starts school in September; but they do this annoying phased entry approach.

Which means us having to be around for half days.

Hopefully my staff manager will approve them quickly.

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