A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Geek Explosion

Christmas Tree Emergency Blip: playing with the zoom on a long exposure.  Found it more effective to zoom out rather than in - doing so (after a brief pause) puts light blobs on the ends of the lines.

I've decided to do a geek'y thing this year and record what boardgames I play.  BoardGameGeek.com (predictably) has a related phone app that makes this 'easy'. However, I seem to have underestimated just how geek'y geeks-that-play-games-and-write-shareware can be.  

OK, I want to record the game and if I won. No, I don't really want to have to record all the player's names, scores, seating positions, favourite colour, age, hair colour, blood group, genome, ... (to exaggerate only slightly).

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