Christmas Continues... Spain but not in our home! We undressed the tree today - nice to have the flat back in order! A day of house-y bits, investing in a new handheld blender, tupperware etc... Road-tested the blender tonight and made a vegetable soup for tea. YUM.
I went along to Language Exchange tonight in the bookshop, but they'd forgotten to advertise it, so Claire & I just had a vino & a catch up, very nice!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lovely email that started my day off with a big smile.
2) Asha being healthy - she was SO unsettled in the night, crying on and off ALL night, I was worried she was coming down with something...but she seems fine today.
3) Teamwork - felt like D & I were a good team together today, getting on with jobs & being productive etc...

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