
By Cecile29

Snap poll in the office

Do you have new year resolutions? I ticked no I didn't but now i may think of some now . I kept thinking what it could be. Now I know, after having browsed on blip for a little while. Ensure I save my pictures on the cloud and do photos books on regular basis so if some idiots come and get in the house again and steal laptops and stuff I still have them. And I have read the comments from the blip challenge, save blip which I have missed, I'll watch out for the next one. I have realised that blip is not words for me, I don't write many words most of the time , as don't always want to be read, blip is more than that, I have realised that I can remember all my feelings of the day by looking at the pictures, whether it was happiness, dread of going to work, tiredness, sadness, holidayness etc, they are so so vivid,so raw. Power of pictures. And snaps of other people always cheer me up

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