
By MrsLambchop

Open evening

Sub 6am wake up.
Long discussions about which were the 'right' socks.
Ditto pants.
School run.
Delivery of car boot of donations to PTA cupboard.
Music class.
Second supermarket.
Home for lunch. Cook pasta then use mouldy cheese to make sauce. Consider eating anyway.
Make second lunch.
Make 4 pack up teas.
Attempt to put baby to bed
Clear up mess where baby has emptied his own potty.
Put baby in car and drive around until he's asleep.
Pack 3 swimming bags and one bedtime bag.
Make summer fair posters.
Go to school.
Collect 3 children. Give 2 children to childminder.
Take two children to swimming pool.
Swim for an hour.
Get two children dry and dressed. Give them pack up tea in car as we drive to CM.
Get 4 kids back in car and give back sandwiches to eat as we drive to house of child#3's godmother.
Get 4 children out of car. Chase 3 children back into car.
Back to school for open evening.
See all present and future classrooms and teachers.
Bribe child#1 to play piano. Child#1 refuses.
Leave Child#1 and husband#1 at school.
Collect child#4. Go home.
Empty 4 lunchboxes, 4 swimming bags, 3 school bags.
Stuff 3 kids into PJs. Read stories. Attempt to get into bed.
Leave newly arrived husband#1 to deal with it while I cook tea.
Husband#1 fails.
Put baby back to bed.
Husband#1 retrieves dinner out of oven and expects round of applause.
Eat dinner.
Put baby back to bed.
Give up all hope of doing any more baking.
Lose will to live.

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