In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth


...or Northampton?

Each of these cars had a light. It was pink.

Each of these cars had a lady. She was a Ho.

Each of these Hoes was for sale. With a competitive finance plan.

Each finance plan got better as one walked the street. Haggles were had.

Each haggle was a success. I now own loads of Hoes.

Ebbo's Hoes.


In Other News
Saw a guy get arrested in the town center - during daylight!

He was drunk and arguing with his misses. She was drunk. Both were simply foul to look at.

She (shouting to Police) 'still has his money and loves him,' he (shouting at anyone listening - which was quite a crowd) 'thinks you're a f'ing bi@@h,' while the Police (talking to him) 'think you should watch your mouth and stop resisting arrest.'

I'm not sure what I think. Except that Northant's has changed one bit!

...and that I'm looking forward to a visit from a certain someone!

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