An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper

Had to take a day off sick today.

My head was still pounding and the neck pain was worse.....I thought that all the pills I popped yesterday might have helped but clearly I wasn't taking the hard stuff!

And typically it was a lovely hot and sunny day, where I was stuck inside wearing my sunglasses hiding my eyes from the bright light haha! Any guess that tomorrow when I head back to work it will be raining again ;)

This was all I managed today I'm afraid; once my head felt better in the afternoon I caught the last hour or so of sun and tried to take something that was so far removed from the reality of my day.....

One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can collect only a few, and they are more beautiful if they are few.
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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