Who's a lucky girl then......
....... I received these lovely belated Christmas presents, what a love crowd you blippers are. Thank you so much Karen and Bev. you are so kind I just love them both.
It got me thinking about " freedom " , we have so many freedoms, last night in bible study freedom was discussed, how much freedom did our Lord get in the end, his ministry came to a very sad end, but his unselfish freedom meant he could choose, which resulted in our freedom, he sure is a clever old Lord .
We have choice through freedom of thought, action and the execution of that action.
Weather news I thought was quite good this morning but we now have rain. I feel for everyone in the north west/ east of England and Scotland , you are such a resilient bunch I "take my hat " off to you all.
Happy : to have freedom, unlike that little boy in Syria , I'm sure he had no freedom of choice .
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