Belinda Lee

By bellee

Frozen Solid

Again got ready for work this morning, walked out the door and my car was frozen. A thick layer of ice covered the poor thing. It took ages to warm up and get the ice off. In which time I took this photo.

Also silly me, on one of the coldest days of the year decide to wear a dress to work....crazy. Don't think I will venture out of the office today. I have left over pizza for lunch, which I remembered as I was walking out the door. Good thing I had plenty of time to go back and get it.

My poor puppy dog was looking at me going, mum please leave me inside with the heater on. Sorry Pups, the power bill would be enormous if I did that every time he gave me that look.

Have a good day everyone, try to stay warm.

Edit - on THE coldest morning of the year, I wear a dress....idiot.

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