The Argyll Arcade

The Argyll Arcade is one of Europe’s oldest covered shopping arcades and Scotland's first ever indoor shopping mall.

The L-shaped arcade was built in 1827 in the Parisian style. The arcade was cut through old tenements and provides a link between Argyle Street and Buchanan Street.

The building was Grade A listed in 1970 recognising its special architectural and historic national importance. The property offers fine and little-altered examples of early Victorian architecture and is notable for its novel use of cast iron construction methods. The glass roof, for example, is supported with ornate “hammer-beam” roof trusses.

Designed by John Baird (1798-1859), his early Glasgow work included the design for the Greyfriars United Presbyterian Church in North Albion Street. This was later followed by the United Presbyterian Church in Wellington Street, the central town house of Claremont Terrace, the Prince's Buildings on Buchanan Street and various buildings on the Gilmorehill campus of Glasgow University.

I was in Glasgow today doing some shopping.   Met C for lunch in Frasers, what a wonderful department store it is.  Then had a walk through the Argyll Arcade, the jewellery area of Glasgow.  I spotted a ring on sale which I rather liked, a large emerald surrounded by small diamonds.  It was on sale for £13,000.  I wonder if anyone who could afford that kind of money for a ring would care to visit the sales.  Anyhow, I decided against its purchase.  The HG will be relieved!

My photo shows the entrance to the Arcade, with the concierge in his usual spot.  I can remember as a young girl we used to pass him lifting our imaginary hats, always hoping that he would do the same...... occasionally he did! I didn't try it today, anyhow I would think it would be a different gentleman now!!!!

Another dull day, with some light showers.  

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