Wet play

The new puddle right outside my office door was the final straw today. Am my own fault for lack of Proper Path Planning but today I decided I couldn't face another day of traipsing through the mud and puddles. Not when I have do recently dedicated time to clearing Will's room and constructing a desk. It made a nice change and Will put the lava lamp on for me when he got home from school. The Proper Path man is coming in Feb, oddly in the planning I only really considered working outside in lovely summer and the very cold. The mud has defeated me, this week anyway. (Oh and that slightly sticking door that has swollen in the rain.....)

I flung myself at the optician today in despair at not generally being able to see near or far things and just living in a general blur all round. He was very thorough, my eyes are increasingly those of an older person and I have new style contact lenses and advice to get reading glasses from poundland. I love that shop, am now a proper grown up with three pairs of "readers" (and new batteries, small lunch box selection and new make up sponges for daisy to replace her costly ones that Rosie ate). Now I just need a little chain....

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