
By Eclair

Extremely Muddy Walk

First walk of the new year with the walking group, led by Pete, he always finds good walks but this time was extremely muddy, we had to pick our way and take care we didn't slip!  We walked 6 miles along an old railway line at first which wasn't too bad, it was when we reached river after our coffee stop, we encountered a lot more slippery mud but know one fell until right near end Des, feeling good with himself having not slipped, slipped over but our Des is such a brave soul it didn't bother him and got up and walked back to the car unscathed!  We had to take care passing through the rather upmarket golf course at Brocket hall but there werent many brave golfers out today so we were all ok.  
My boots are now looking like brand new boots all cleaned up and to be polished very soon!

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