'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

Rock Panto

We went to see the Rock Panto at the Wolsey Theatre and it was good as always. People have so much talent!

The only negative thing was that there was a little shithead sitting behind us who didn't stopped talking. The louder the music got - and it was loud at times - the louder he would yap. Instead of shutting him up the parent chatted along. There was no reason for the little shit to be in a £25 seat at an evening show as they do children shows where you can expect a bit of chatter. Last year we (unknowingly) went to a shools show - it was us and about 6 other bomb shocked adults and the rest were under 8's with their teachers. They were loud before the show started and during the break, but while the show was on they were as quiet as can be. Except for the "IT'S BEHIND YOU"s and the "O NO YOU WON'T"s, which was deafening. And, before someone get their knickers in a twist this wasn't a person with learning difficulties who made funny noises or an autistic person who felt threatened - it was a little brat whose parent is unable to teach him that there are places and situations where life is about more than you.

We had the day off and spent the morning sending a parcel and doing grocery shopping. We just "blommed" in the afternoon.

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