Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Jnr Snr Snr Snr

I've not Blipped Jnr Snr for ages, a variety of reasons I suppose.

She's growing up fast, secondary school doesn't half change them.  This became apparent this morning in the kitchen before we left for our respective schools:

I had been asked by Mrs H to remove a spider from the lounge (proper man job, one of three* reasons she keeps me around) and I crept up behind Jnr Snr as she was washing up a pan and showed her.  She freaked with a whelping noise I have never heard before.   Mrs H wasn't impressed as her dad "used to do that sort of thing to her" and called me a knob.

I went into the kitchen and said to Jnr Snr, "Ooh, you'll never guess what your Mum's just called me?"  Without a pause she took a punt with, "A twat?

My jaw dropped and I burst out laughing, Mrs H was a little shocked.  I told her she was close and chuckled off to the car.

Turns out following a conversation with Mrs H on the way to school she had heard the other kids use it and thought it just meant 'idiot'.  When she was informed of the real meaning she was apparently mortified.  

Ha Ha

(* opening jars and replacing lightbulbs)

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