
By pattons6


Well, we finally got round to pledging for Blipfoto today. I also managed to do it twice in error but hey it's for my children's future. Worth every penny!

The delay in pledging has been due to my two little ones being very ill. The youngest caught chicken pox and had croup. One treatment of steroids and croup was gone but spots hung around & looked very angry. 3rd visit to the doctor confirmed not only where her spots infected but she also has a secondary throat infection. So more medicine, 4 different lots, poor wee scone didn't know what to do with herself. Of course it was Christmas, but as she was infectious we self quarantined ourselves to the house. It seemed to be a particularly bad case.

Of course just as she was recovering & we could get out her big sister came down with it. Again a really bad case. When I say this I mean back, tummy, eyes, mouth, bottom, legs, fingers, toes, soles of feet and face. So we are again stuck in the house. Although tomorrow if it's raining we are going to the park as no one else will be there.

Next job for me is to back up my entries. Wish me luck. Don't want to think about losing all my entries, both my little girls have so many miles stones all documents here. Silly stories, words and pictures all about their first days. Oh I really hope we save Blipfoto I don't want to think about it not being there.

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