That's Life!

By Agan

A Lesson In Democracy

Hmm, great weather again today, but not a great day for pix. Choice of two:

1. A dead mouse in our garage; nice and furry, with a sweet smile on its face - but very, very, dead

2. A big three-domed wooden church looking strangely out of place in the Canadian countryside.

Undecided, I put the selection for Picture of the Day to the vote of everyone in the house. The mouse was a clear winner but, not wanting to pander to the lowest common denominator or frighten your kids, I decided to go with the church. Which confirms two things:

1. I'll never get a job editing The Sun

2. Bleeding-heart liberals are no better at democracy than the fascist swine who are in charge right now.

And so, without further ado, here is St Elias's Ukranian Catholic Church at Brampton, Ontario, a remarkable wooden building that wouldn't be out of place in, well, Ukraine . . .

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