Jonty - 'Fox Hunter'

Two things on this mornings walk took Jonty back to his Wolf ancestral beginnings.
First he was howling in the park at a Spaniel who had dared to prowl around his playing fields. See Extra photo.
Secondly we encountered a fox just minding it's own business, wandering along the footpath towards us.
I started to get the camera out but by the time it decided to let me switch it on Jonty was in full chase with the Fox fleeing for it's life.
Little did the Fox know that if it had just stood it's ground Jonty would have quite happily made friends. If the Fox had then decided to turn around and face Jonty he (Jonty) would have turned tail and whimpered back to me, as he did a couple of years ago with a neighbours cat he had cornered. He's a big wimp really but very lovable with it.

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