feet well travelled

By feettravelled

face of zambia

Another day of interviews, including the challenges of AST (Africa Slow Time!) But God is good and I'm making good progress into my list of people I would like to talk to.

This is one to the boys at Isubilo, who has been here since he was 6 (he is now 14) and is testament to the amazing help that Isubilo provides. His health, education, family situation and general life have improved so much since he first came.

I have got to know him over the past 3 years and he always has a huge smile on his face, I tried to make him grin in this picture but he was just keen to show a coy smile!

One of the little boys shared this with me today:

'So Marvin, if there was one thing that you could improve or change at Isubilo, what would it be?' I asked

He replied 'I would like everyone to celebrate my birthday with me'
How can you not be touched by that comment?!!?

Blessed to have amazing internet here, to be able to enjoy a Skype date with Freeman4Life, who is now back on blip!

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