Camera Confusion

Went into Birmingham on the train, to swap a book my brother got me - he walked into our new Foyles and chose exactly the same book for me that I chose for myself when I walked into it...

Also, to try to choose a new camera - the DSLR I was given (Canon 40D) is terribly heavy to carry around, especially on long walks. All the reading I've done has just made the decision more difficult, so thought talking to someone and feeling the cameras would help - went to the new John Lewis - very good service - but even more undecided now... Mirrorless are light, but are they as good? And even if you make that decision, each make seems to have different advantages - Panasonic has full-frame; Olympus has greater image stabilisation - how can I know which is more important to me? And would it be sensible to get more for my money by buying second-hand, with the risk of faults and me in remote Alentejo?

Also, the thought of not having Blip makes me feel rather despondent - is this really going to happen?? And would I carry on photographing daily without it?

So - spent the best part of a beautiful sunny day in shops - to no avail, except for two new books. Stopped on way to the station to talk to Georgie in the vaults of our church, preparing a food parcel from the food bank (in extra), for a family with three children - that also is confusing - should I be spending on a luxury when folk are going hungry?

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