Beautiful sunrise

Well, we might have had the shortest day of the year but the mornings don’t seem to be getting any lighter?!  It was pitch black when Ann woke me up this morning.  She said, ‘Molly, I have to go to work all day and you will have to come with me, so I’m going to take you on an hour & a half walk first.’


So off we went in the dark and I had a lovely play down on the beach and I got to wear my 'flashing collar' that I got from Ann’s sister, Jill, for Christmas.  And then we had a bit of a mooch around town.  The car parks were empty, the streets were empty and there was hardly anyone about.  Such a difference to the crowds of last week.  I read somewhere (well Ann did)  Obviously as I’m a gorgeous little collie I do not do such things as reading that the population of  St Ives is 11,000 & rises to 24,000 in holiday periods???


When the darkness disappeared we saw the most lovely sunrise and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day so Ann said, ‘Molly, when I finish work at 5pm we’ll do this walk again in reverse.’


But do you know what?......................... mid afternoon it started to rain.  And it rained and it rained and it rained and it rained.  And at 5pm it was still raining so we just walked the direct route home.  But to be honest I’m not really too bothered.  I’ve gobbled up my dinner and am now having a little snooze in my bed.  But Ann’s a bit grumpy because one of her New Year Resolutions is to walk at least 15000 steps a day and today she’s only walked 10315 and it’s still raining so she has no intention of going anywhere else tonight.


And our weather app is showing rain for the next three days.  Boohooooo!

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