Snow at da Castle

Another cold day, been breezy and some more light wintery showers. 

I got up this morning, got ready and off to work I went.  I arrived at work coughing and then sent home within minutes on arrival.  It's been another lazy day on the sofa with the telly, hot tea, lemsips and a blanket.  Sammy needed out, so I have managed a brisk walk and wrapped up, brrrr it was chilly but dry :)  Try some more telly and maybe a movie or two.  

My brisk walk took me and Sammy to the castle and back.  Sammy can get off the lead and charge around the castle grounds.  There's even bit the slightest bit of snow lying at the Castle,  looking like we might get more tomorrow and possibly next week :)  Let's hope so :)  Taken at Scalloway castle.

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