Northern Exposure

By Northern

Peedie Sea, Kirkwall

The haar lurked around for most of today but then burnt off late afternoon to leave a beautiful sunny evening with just a hint of misty air.

I had been up in town when I got a call from a friend to say that Campbell, who had been coming up to town to meet me, had passed out at the bus stop. Fortunately two of the older teenage girls from the village were there and came to his rescue. (Thanks girls!) Made sure he was OK and then went for help. They did say he looked more alarmed at coming round to them trying to get him to take his jumper off than anything else.

We thought at first he had just overheated after cycling down to the bus stop but it now seems to be some sort of odd virus - sudden feverishness, dizzy, slightly queasy type of thing. Pretty sure it's a virus because I'm now feeling the same. Although... it is very warm and muggy and we could just be wilting. Us cold climate folk aren't set up for such conditions.

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