Fuel considerations

I am sure that I am not alone in welcoming the drop in the price of petrol and diesel fuel, and while not all service stations around here have dropped to this level, any reduction in the cost of a litre is for the benefit of motorists.
Needless to say, it is the supermarket petrol stations which are leading the price war, although regular fuel stations situated nearby usually compete on the same terms.
While I keep an eye on fuel prices, I am not in the habit of driving miles out of my way in search of the lowest price, and I usually fill up at just one or two places locally  — albeit both are supermarkets,, and just for the record the current price is the same at both, marginally below £1 a litre. 
And both give loyalty points which while not necessarily the main consideration, an occasional voucher for a fiver to spend in the store, or points on my card do mount up  . . . and I bought all my wine for Christmas by cashing in those points.

What is most rewarding to me is watching the price and quantity indicators on the petrol pump, moving at more or less equal pace. It’s ages since I bought 30 litres for less than £30.  If only we could reckon on it lasting.

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