Sony Mavica MVC-FD5

Sony's very first Mavica, introduced in 1981, was a video camera that recorded images on a video floppy disc, not really a digital camera. It wasn't until 1997 that Sony introduced some true digital cameras, and this one was the most basic, aimed towards consumers.  The images are recorded as jpegs directly onto a standard 3.5-inch floppy disc.  The list price was $499, which maybe explains why not too many were sold in the UK.  There seem to be plenty available for sale on the US eBay site, suggesting that they sold better at the other side of the Atlantic.

I bought this one from the US for a tiny sum. I think it cost more to get a battery for it - but it was good to find that it still works. 

We had a Mavica model at work.  The graphics technician was the only person allowed to use it, and it was kept in the safe when it was not in use.

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