
By phosgraphe


Nick and I had some intense pillow talk last night. I wanted to talk to him about it for some time now and since it had been coming up a lot recently (especially given his blip yesterday) I figured I'd bring it up seeing as how I was/am a bit worried. Plus, I'm always looking for in-depth conversations about anything- and more particularly with Nico.

He is a relatively well-rounded person: he's very logical, precise, and articulate yet is also very creative. This he feels is a problem. He thinks that because of this that he will never be able to be a successful artist. I try my best to try and convince him of otherwise but the very fundamental problem is that he can't see how creative he is or can be; I know it's hard to push yourself as is when someone knows they can do better but they don't want to put forth the effort... but this... this is different. He can't accept that he really is a fucking genius, no matter how obvious. I could go on and on, but I'll spare all of you. In short, this incredibly balanced brain of his that he sees as limiting is actually what I believe enables him to be the best.

I don't believe that humans are meant to use only one half of their brain: left or right, creative or logical, outgoing or reserved. I believe that the key is a balance and that using both sides to their fullest ability- thus unlocking our full potential- is one of our profound purposes in life.

So rather than telling himself that it's impossible and giving up now that it's gotten hard (again), perhaps he should break through this ridiculous little box and tap into the portion of his brain thats being blocked and preventing risks from being taken and success to be in his hands.

The featured photo I took to prove a point: he used that plastic "fall" thing he got from a dining hall cupcake and placed it in our potpourri bowl, and arranged the potpourri around it perfectly- not just for my photo but in general... Something so stupid and simple, yet he makes it into something so great. Even if it did take him over 30 minutes to get the placement just right (which I'm sure he did).

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