Time and tide, wait for no man, or woman.

I went to the gym much later than usual this morning, so I didn't meet anyone I knew, which makes a change. When I came out, I went to the library , and then walked up to church. I had a cup of tea, and a quick chat with Kevin.  I didn't stay long, and walked to town as I had to call into W.H.S ,to get J the latest model railway magazine. I was going to catch the bus home, but my phone rang, and it was J, who was on his way to the railway station, to pick up our g/daughter. I walked up to the station, and we dropped her off at her house. I was intending getting a blip in town, so instead we went for a drive down to Southerndown, as I knew the tide would be high. I wasn't disappointed, and the waves were really wild.  
Time is running out, please please pledge, if you haven't already. Does anyone know a millionaire who could  spare about £80,000, There must be one out there! A girl can dream! 

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