Who knew?

By InOtherNews


I'm in, I've pledged to try and save this community of ours. I have some gripes about the site as it is, gripes highlighted in an excellent blog by Ferg Murray I saw on Facebook. I believe there are too many blippers who see it as social media and not the community it is. Too many people post and go and pay no attention to the blips of others. Too many people see this as 'me, me, me' rather than 'us'. How do I know this? Because I'm guilty of it.

I'm guilty of posting a crap photo on my phone just to blip. I'm guilty of not getting around the journals of my friends passing comment. I'm guilty.

I will not be found wanting though when it comes to blipfuture and the excellent work of others. I will not let the site that facilitated the happiest days of my life to slip away, even if it is a shadow of the community that saved me. I hope that any blipfuture will take steps to curb the fly by night users with no more interest in quantam physics than in the blips of others.

I hope having money in the site will spur me on to be a better blipper. I hope and pray that the £180k is made. Frankly £100k in just a few weeks is commendable. Well done to those who do still treat this like a community. Well done indeed.

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