It has been suggested

that I am competitive.

It's true.

I entered into a 'fun' challenge with husband dearest and one of my colleagues (who I will refer to here as TB...I can't use the full version of that as it is really rude) - working week step count.  TB went into the lead whilst I was driving home this evening.  That meant that there was no question - I had to go out for a walk.  

I was briefly back in the lead when we got home - hence the smug smile. However, Corin was ahead of me on steps before we went out, and he came with me, so once he updated, he became the leader.  I can cope with that.  Can't cope with TB being in the lead.  No no no!

There is going to be a lot of walking tomorrow after school!!!!

Today was the funeral of a very dear friend's wife.  He held it together so well, spoke about her in such as way that it was clear that it was meant to be that they were together.  He made us laugh, and I think many of us found it difficult to hold it together when he was so obviously and utterly in pain.  I hope in time that the pain will ease and that memories will make him smile.  We all love you lots K xxxx

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