So Near, So Far
Panto is in full swing in the Town Hall at Loughborough. This passage skirts the edge of the hall with access to the stage door.
You can tell from the lights that it must be Aladdin with the lamp as a theme.
Look a bit closer, and you can see a quilt bundled up on the right. Someone was sleeping under it. This passage must be a refuge for Loughborough's homeless. No panto for him or her.
It rained. Although glimpses of blue sky became more frequent towards the end of the afternoon. Some beautiful pastel colours as sunset approached.
I was driving along the A6 as the sky erupted into gold and orange. I did a U turn and went back towards Hathern to try and get a shot with a line of trees as a silhouette, but I was five minutes too early. With a strong chill breeze, and Basil barking in the car, I wasn't inclined to wait.
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