Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast



synonyms: slow, unhurried, tardy, unpunctual, lax, slack, sluggish, snail-like, tortoise-like, lazy, idle, indolent, slothful......

Yep, I'm all of those today.........and probably a few more of the same ilk if I could be arsed to think of them.......

(that's some dill vinegar I made yesterday up there by the way.....although 'made' is pushing it a bit because it implies a certain amount of effort and due diligence, all I did was poke some fresh dill into a bottle of cider vinegar and then screw the cap back on. Apparently it just needs a bit of a daily shake and a couple of weeks on a sunny windowsill before it's that'll be about Easter then.......)

Have a great weekend when it comes blipmates!!

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