Attitude makes a difference
There was an interesting article in YLE news web pages about tolerance of cold. In the afternoon it was "only" -18°C, and it felt much better than yesterday's -27°C.
We need 7-10 days to physiologically adjust to the cold.Tolerance
of cold varies widely among individuals, but attitude can make a big difference. People react to winter and tolerate low temperatures in a very individual manner. There are a range of reasons for this, including physical build, age, and general health. One key factor is physical condition. People who exercise have higher levels of oxygen uptake, making it easier to generate body heat.
Feeling warm and tolerating the cold is also influenced not just by what one wears, but also by what one thinks. Attitude actually makes a difference. People mainly get what they order. If you expect to experience the cold as being very unpleasant, you probably will experience it that way. Also, accustoming oneself to cold temperatures is of major importance in building up a tolerance to cold. Every winter swimmer knows that at first it's hard to go into the cold water. After a few dips, it gets a lot easier.
Took the picture when walked from the lunch back to the office. The sun was shining :) (And I would like to point out that my hat is faux fur fabric)
-18°C, sunny
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