
She was a bit reluctant to go in this am but only for a minute and didn't cry or anything - I came in - much to teachers disdain, I helped her with coat peg and she said she didn't know where the toilet was.. :( teacher then said she had taken her the day before

Yesterday she said she was sat on the butterfly circle on the carpet at the front with the girls - on the way in she said it wasn't true, there was no room and she was at the back with the boys and this made her sad - when we got there I could see she was at the back :( I would have done anything to get her that spot - but obviously I couldn't move another kid out the way.. I reasoned with myself that she needed to learn to negotiate her way to the front and as an army kid I was regularly the new girl and it made me social and tough so I'm reminding myself that

At 13.30 she was super chuffed to have picked spag Bol and we walked home and she was more chatty and happy and said she was happy up go back tomorrow

I went to the gym - trampette session - KILLER!

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