Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Hat Fair Friday - weather or not

Winchester's wonderful Hat Fair kicked off today and as it's one of the events I'm working on this summer, I've been down there all day looking after press (and going to the breakfast launch - thanks guys).

We all know it's been a wet day, and here is the BBC's lovely weather girl, Rahan, being filmed with young audience members for this evening's news on South Today . They are watching a show from Pangottic (when they're not looking suspiciously at my camera, that is!).

I probably should explain that Hat Fair is nothing to do with hats. Bizarre, you might think, but the 'hat' bit refers to putting money in the hat for performances, not to wearing them! Hat Fair is, in fact, the country's oldest festival of street theatre, now in its 38th year. And very wonderful it is too. If you're interested, you can see more here

I'll be down there tomorrow, as well, when the BBC are coming back for more, and on Sunday with ITV. So, rain, stay away!!

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