EF'ing life

By AnnaKC

10 Years!!!!

I went for a celebratory lunch with my colleague and friend Julie today. We both started on the same day a DECADE ago. I can't quite believe where the time has gone. All of the the best things I have ever done have been done whilst I have worked for this amazing amazing place (my desk is in the middle window). Have never been board, I have never shouted or cried, I have dealt with some of the most amazing and difficult people and situations. I love it.

When I got the job I couldn't believe it (applying was such a long shot). It was a huge step up. The downside was that the day before I was due to start I came down with flu. I went in and battled through regardless. I spoke to my old boss today and she told me that she has never seen anyone so ill and she worried that she had taken on someone that was going to be off all the time. I am glad I have proven her wrong (less than 10 days off sick in 10 years). My entry card still bears a picture of a 10 year young me, with flu. Maybe I'll blip that tomorrow.

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