It's Me Again….I Didn't Do It...

Dana had every intention of leaving Blake at home or taking him to work with her after the holidays.  She's a special education teaching assistant, and the kids love Blake, but for logistical reasons she can't always take him with her. I was just saying to OilMan a that I kind of missed Blake when I got a  text from Dana :"Jim's dad died yesterday. Jim is flying home right now. I may need some help with the dogs this week" . So he's back along with his mini-sidekick, Rudy, a long haired Dachshund mix.

It's been a question of musical dog beds ever since….every time I look, a different dog is in Ozzie's bed in the living room. I was giving Ozzie a break in his bed in our bedroom with the door closed when I came across the scene in the picture. 

I will draw a veil over the nightly musical beds. Suffice it to say that it is OUR bed! Sometimes the only creature who is NOT on our bed , or IN it in Rudy's case, is Blake because he sleeps in his crate. We thought it might be easier if one of us slept at Dana and Jim's house, but then, as OilMan announced when he came home yesterday morning at 5:15 with Blake and Rudy, "I forgot about the cats"….

Tonight I suspect will be a question of which human can feign sleep the longest, before bailing out to the guest bed...

Dana will be home tomorrow.

If YOU didn't do it yet, PLEASE do it now…

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