Squirrel/Fungi/Flower/Philosophy Friday

After yesterday's blue sky report, today was a really bad day for pain :-( although it ended well with Lauren and two friends cooking us all a four course dinner. So, what to do? Fill my blip with interesting things of course! There are lots of themes available today and I've decided to do them all, via my extras. So in order:

1) A pair of squirrels have finally, after several months, discovered our squirrel feeder and this one posed for me. I think s/he has a little red ancestry.

2) This is my 4th fungi in 10 days so not so much just on Fridays, but this one is a type of jelly fungus. I think it's Yellow Brain Fungus (Tremella mesenterica). According to Pat O'Reilly in his book 'Fascinated by Fungi', it's very commonly found in Winter on dead limbs of hardwood trees. I've never seen it before, but then again, before blip I probably wasn't really looking! I spotted it today in an old orchard, also a local Wildlife Trust Reserve. They have a badger hide so we'll be going back.

3) Anemone coronaria 'De Caen', flowering just outside the front door, 3 months early.

4) There are many who look but only some who see - Chief Dan George

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