On Some Days

By V1k1

When One Gate Closes Another One Opens.

I wanted to take a landscape picture today and use my tripod.  My first plan was the Green Lake but the road that used to take people there is now gated and the road has been left to deteriorate.  It is a shame because there used to be a large grassed area at the end of the road and views of the lake.  Plan B was then to drive further south to Rainbow Mt and the little green lake that is there.  The road to that was it a dreadful state last time I went but surprise, surprise today we found it maintained and recently graded.  It is now possible to drive all the way to Kerosene Creek.  This is a popular spot for soaking in a thermal pool.  A small thermal stream flows down hill under mature forest trees.  At the bottom of the waterfall is a big pool.   There were people from India, China, Germany and a couple of OAP's from N.Z. 

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